Dogs Love Humans, And It’s Scientifically Proven

dog and human connecting with paws and hands together

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend, and for a good reason. They are loyal, loving, enjoy giving kisses and are always eager to be by our side. But have you ever wondered why our pups seem to love us as much as they do? Whether you accept all forms of love from your pup without question or you’ve wondered the real reasons behind it, we’re here to give you a little science lesson on why dogs love us so much.

Before we dive in, it’s important to understand that dogs have been bred for thousands of years to be social and responsive to humans. This means they have evolved to be highly responsive to our emotions and behaviors. In fact, research has shown that dogs are able to read human emotions and respond accordingly, even better than some other animals like chimpanzees.

One reason dogs may love humans is because of the oxytocin hormone. Often referred to as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is released in both dogs and humans when they interact with each other. For example, studies have shown that when dogs and humans gaze into each other’s eyes, both experience an increase in oxytocin levels. This is thought to contribute to the strong bond that exists between humans and dogs, resulting in that feeling of a dog “stealing” our heart.

Another reason dogs may love humans is because of the role we play in their lives. Dogs are natural pack animals, and they have evolved to form strong social bonds with their pack members. When a dog becomes a member of a human family, they see their human companions as part of their pack. Dogs see us as leaders and are naturally inclined to want to please us and be close by. Their loyalty is second to none.

Did you know our scent alone is enough to make a dog happy? A study published in the Behavioural Processes journal found that dogs connect their owner’s unique smell to pleasure. Through fMRI scans (functional magnetic resonance imaging) that measure brain nerve cell levels, researchers got an inside look at how dogs respond to their humans’ scent versus familiar dogs, unfamiliar dogs, and unfamiliar people. They found that when the pups smelled their owners, it activated a reward center in their brains. They did not react the same to any other scent.

As humans, we understand that our dogs rely on us to provide them with everything they need. We feed them, give them shelter, and provide them with love and attention. This creates a strong emotional connection between dogs and humans, which is why dogs often become so attached to their owners, especially the ones who mainly care for them.

The reason dogs love humans is a complex mix of biology, evolution, and the role we play in their lives (and vice versa). From the release of oxytocin to the social bonds that develop between dogs and humans, there are many factors that contribute to this special relationship. Cherish the bond you share with your pooch and show them just how much you love them back by taking care of their beautiful coats. Whether your dog loves a bath or not, we know they’ll enjoy a warm hydrobath from one of our dog-loving operators. Find one near you!


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